Sample query:
select * from table
match_recognize (
order by column1
pattern (anything {**3**,})
anything as column1 = 'col'
Considering I have a table and I want to locate consecutive rows which follow the pattern as defined. But for the above example, I am looking for a way to dynamically pass a number instead of passing a static value 3.
I have tried to use bind variable, subquery and nothing seems to work. Is there any approach where I can use the same match recognize query with a dynamic quantifier?
If any non-numeric literal is entered it is throwing this error.
SQL Error: ORA-62501: invalid value specified for bounded quantifier in MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
62501. 00000 - "invalid value specified for bounded quantifier in MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause"
Oracle version: 19c
Request you to please help me with this if anyone has come across such situation. Thanks in advance.
does not allow you to use dynamic values in the pattern matching clause; instead you can write the query as:
COUNT(*) OVER () AS num_rows
FROM table_name
WHERE column1 = 'col'
WHERE num_rows >= :required_rows