I have a crud application which uses DynamoDb, it has a model class containing two autogenerated attributes, one for primary key and another for timestamp.
I am using scan()
function of DynamoDbMapper to getAll entries from the db but getting below error.
com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.datamodeling.DynamoDBMappingException: expected N in value {S: 2022-12-09T09:23:52.737Z,}
@DynamoDBTable(tableName = "employee")
public class Employee {
private String employeeId;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String email;
private Department department;
@DynamoDBAutoGeneratedTimestamp(strategy = DynamoDBAutoGenerateStrategy.ALWAYS)
private Long timestamp;
package com.dailycodebuffer.config;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSStaticCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.client.builder.AwsClientBuilder;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.AmazonDynamoDB;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.datamodeling.DynamoDBMapper;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
public class DynamoDbConfiguration {
public DynamoDBMapper dynamoDBMapper() {
return new DynamoDBMapper(buildAmazonDynamoDB());
private AmazonDynamoDB buildAmazonDynamoDB() {
return AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder
new AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(
new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(
new BasicAWSCredentials(
Method to getAll the entries
public List<Employee> getAllEmployees() {
return dynamoDBMapper.scan(Employee.class, new DynamoDBScanExpression());
DynamoDb dependency :
Note: If i remove the timestamp, getAll works perfectly fine.
I am new to DynamoDb, any help would be appreciated.
I am going to take a random guess at this one, but I believe the issue is that you have an item (or several) which have stored a value for timestamp
as a String, perhaps you inserted them into the table manually?
Now when you read back those items in the Scan
, DynamoDB Mapper is trying to marshall against your class, which states that timestamp
should be a Long
, however, the item is showing a String
My suggestion is to take a look through your table to see if such an item exists, which is causing your Scan
to fail. Another quick way to check is my setting Limit
on the Scan to 1, and see if there are no exceptions (hopefully the first item isn't the broken one :-/ )