I'm using Yajra datatables with serverside true, but page load very slow (afraid because of distinct count). I tried solution here by removing ->get() and it load faster but this causing another problem, where the input searching (smart: true) return error, not functioning. Anyone can help?
Here is my code:
$links = Link::with('owner')
->withCount(['clicks as uniqueClicks' => function($q) {
->where('account_id', $account_id)
return Datatables::of($links)->make();
Is it possible to optimize this code? maybe change from select raw distinct to groupBy? or do this more on eloquent way?
My mistake for not stating the full errors and in the error mentioned about laravel relationship column not found.
Here is the documentation https://yajrabox.com/docs/laravel-datatables/master/relationships
columns: [
// columns according to JSON
{ data: '' },
{ data: 'title' },
{ data: 'user_name', name: 'user.manage.name' }, <-- name = relationship column
{ data: 'link' },
{ data: 'created_at', "searchable": false },
{ data: 'action' }
So removing the ->get() do make your page load faster.
$links = Link::with('owner')
->withCount(['clicks as uniqueClicks' => function($q) {
->where('account_id', $account_id)
return Datatables::of($links)->make();