I have a confirmationDialog with a few buttons. In some states, a given button may not do anything useful. I can make the button disappear with...
...but this changes the dialog layout. IMHO, the dialog looks better (more consistent, familiar) with greyed out buttons.
At first I was hoping for something like this...
Button("Text", role: .disabled) { ... }
...but this won't switch.
I could set the text colour by hand, and disable what the button does. Making the text colour switch on a condition seems tricky but possible. But I am the only person developing my app, and I would much rather use some existing solution if there is one.
Am I missing something? Is there a nice way to do this?
I am using Xcode 14.1 compiling for an iPhone 12 mini running iOS 16.0. My dialog code looks like this...
.confirmationDialog("White reference", isPresented: $showWhiteDialog) {
Button("Set default white") {
// (do stuff deleted)
}.disabled(customWhite == false)
Button("Set custom white from swatch") {
// (do stuff deleted)
Button("Fit swatch to white") {
// (do stuff deleted)
}.disabled(customWhite == false)
vadian provided the actual answer - you can't.
The real answer is not to use a Conditional Dialog, but to customise your own. If you request 'do a thing', the Conditional Dialog is the 'are you sure?' confirmation, listing possible other actions, and always including 'Cancel'. Put like this, there does not seem to be a place for greyed out buttons.
IMHO, my use fitted this model. Adding greyed out-options meant you kept the look and feel but the dialog always had the same layout, so the user recognised it.