
Mapping multiple ndJson records with Gson

I want to map multiple records in ndJson with my DTO class. Following is my ndJson file:

// Record # 1 (This line is not included in the file and is only for clarification)
         "order_date":"2019-03-27 14:25:03"
         "order_date":"2019-03-27 14:25:03"

// Record # 2 (This line is not included in the file and is only for clarification)

//Similarly the file has a lot of records

I want to map all the records but only able to map first record.

I have asked a similar question at How to Read ndJSON file in Java but I am not able to map all records with the accepted solution. Below is my code:

Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader("customer.json"));
CustomerFeedDTO customerFeedDTO = gson.fromJson(reader, CustomerFeedDTO.class);

And Customer DTO class is:

private Map<String, ?> profile;
private Map<String, ?> phone;
private ArrayList<?> addresses;
private Map<String, ?> orders;
private ArrayList<?> customs;

// Getters and setter

But I am only getting the first record with this code. How can I map all the records into CustomerDTO object?


  • You can use reader.peek() method and apply loop on your code such that you need to make list of CustomerDTO and keep on adding object in it like:

    List<CustomerFeedDTO> customerFeedDTOs = new ArrayList<CustomerFeedDTO>();
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader("customer.json"));
    // Required
    while (reader.peek() != JsonToken.END_DOCUMENT) {
        CustomerFeedDTO customerFeedDTO = gson.fromJson(reader, CustomerFeedDTO.class);

    Note that reader also has a hasNext() method but that gives Exception when you reach at the end of the document. For further details about this, refer to