I've stumbled upon a strange problem.
I'm writing a small golang tool, which generates a CSR based on some user-provided input. I'm mostly successful at achieving my goal, but have a problem with ExtendedKeyUsage. Simply put it does not work.
A bit of code with asn1 marshalling of x509 fields:
var oidEmailAddress = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 9, 1}
var OidExtensionKeyUsage = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 29, 15}
var OidExtensionExtendedKeyUsage = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 29, 37}
asn1KeyUsageDigSig, err := asn1.Marshal(asn1.BitString{
Bytes: []byte{byte(x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature)},
BitLength: 8,
asn1KeyUsageDatEnc, err := asn1.Marshal(asn1.BitString{
Bytes: []byte{byte(x509.KeyUsageDataEncipherment)},
BitLength: 8,
asn1KeyUsageCAuth, err := asn1.Marshal(asn1.BitString{
Bytes: []byte{byte(x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth)},
BitLength: 8,
if err != nil {
Error.Fatalf("Can't serialize Extended Key Usage %s", err)
Then I create a template and successful at generating and saving a CSR, well almost:
template := x509.CertificateRequest{
RawSubject: asn1Subj,
EmailAddresses: []string{emailAddress},
SignatureAlgorithm: _sigAlg,
ExtraExtensions: []pkix.Extension{
Id: OidExtensionExtendedKeyUsage,
Value: asn1KeyUsageCAuth,
Id: OidExtensionKeyUsage,
Critical: true,
Value: asn1KeyUsageDatEnc,
Id: OidExtensionKeyUsage,
Critical: true,
Value: asn1KeyUsageDigSig,
csrBytes, _ := x509.CreateCertificateRequest(rand.Reader, &template, privateKey)
And here is an openssl req -in MY_OUTPUT.csr -text -noout
ASN1 OID: prime256v1
Requested Extensions:
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
X509v3 Key Usage: critical
Key Agreement
X509v3 Key Usage: critical
Encipher Only
Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
My ExtendedKeyUsage is empty, while it should be ClientAuthentication. What am I doing wrong?
I'm expecting to see:
X509v3 Extended Key Usage: ClientAuthentication
I'm seeing empty field. I tried using different set of bytes from another oid, but still nothing. It is as if ExtendedKeyUsage field doesn't allow anything to be written (while it should)
If it is imported:
go ver: go1.19.3 darwin/amd64
I think the problem is when you print the data. The key/value is actually present in the data.
From the code:
var OidExtensionExtendedKeyUsage = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 29, 37}
asn1KeyUsageCAuth, err := asn1.Marshal(asn1.BitString{
Bytes: []byte{byte(x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth)},
BitLength: 8,
ExtraExtensions: []pkix.Extension{
Id: OidExtensionExtendedKeyUsage,
//Critical: true,
Value: asn1KeyUsageCAuth,
//Value: {2, 5, 29, 15},
OidExtensionExtendedKeyUsage is ASN.1 OID and will be '55 1D 25' when encoded with a DER encoder
You can encode it online to see what binary it will produce (e.g. https://misc.daniel-marschall.de/asn.1/oid-converter/online.php)
asn1KeyUsageCAuth value is 2 (constant defined in x509.go) and will be '00 02' when encoded as ASN.1 BIT STRING with a DER encoder (first 00 is the number of padding bits (none), 02 is the value 2)
Now take the Base64 value of your Certificate Request and decode it with an ASN.1 DER Decoder (for example: https://asn1.io/asn1playground)
Try the full power of OSS' ASN-1Step by downloading a free trial
OSS Nokalva TLV Print Utility Version 8.6.1
Copyright (C) 1997-2022 OSS Nokalva, Inc. All rights reserved.
30 8201B7(439)
30 82015D(349)
02 01 00
30 819C(156)
31 0B
30 09
06 03 550406
13 02 4155
31 0F
30 0D
06 03 550408
13 06 5379646E6579
31 0F
30 0D
06 03 550407
13 06 5379646E6579
31 13
30 11
06 03 55040A
13 0A 736D7468436C69656E74
31 0B
30 09
06 03 55040B
13 02 4954
31 25
30 23
06 03 550403
13 1C 736D74682D436C69656E742D59387038356E4D694953733069486741
31 22
30 20
06 09 2A864886F70D010901
0C 13 736D7468636C69656E7440736D74682E636F6D
30 59
30 13
06 07 2A8648CE3D0201
06 08 2A8648CE3D030107
03 42 000478AC88143B14B25DD68C2FD17D7B68118EE3142BC4348E29684DBDA401D9...
A0 5E
30 5C
06 09 2A864886F70D01090E
31 4F
30 4D
30 1E
06 03 551D11
04 17 30158113736D7468636C69656E7440736D74682E636F6D
30 0B -- HERE IT IS!
06 03 551D25
04 04 03020002
30 0E
06 03 551D0F
01 01 FF
04 04 03020008
30 0E
06 03 551D0F
01 01 FF
04 04 03020001
30 0A
06 08 2A8648CE3D040302
03 48 003045022100D3063FB402D8F2175198F0033632FEFF5F7B6C11B98C55DB332B0F25...
To get more details, please provide/compile a schema for your data.
Scroll down the output above until you find HERE IT IS!
Your key/value is:
30 0B -- a SEQUENCE of 11 bytes
06 03 551D25 -- an item of 3 bytes (551D25 ... OidExtensionExtendedKeyUsage)
04 04 03020002 -- an item of 4 bytes (03 02 0002 ... an item of 2 bytes 0002 ... asn1KeyUsageCAuth)
I would have loved to decode the CSR againt the ASN.1 specification ... but I could not find it :(