
Jacoco coverage ratio on 0.0

I have a problem with jacoco plugin in maven. Although i have some test lines in test files my coverage ratio is on 0.0. I dont know what can i do to make this work.

I've tried making changes in pom.xml from my friends pom, but this also doesn't work

here is the output from making maven.install:

--- jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.3:check (default-check) @ Sudoku ---
Loading execution data file D:\xd\inf\4 semestr\Programowanie Komponentowe\prokom_2019_lch_sr_12_01\target\jacoco.exec
Analyzed bundle 'Sudoku' with 8 classes
Rule violated for bundle Sudoku: complexity covered ratio is 0.000000, but expected minimum is 0.600000

here is my pom.xml:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""








In test files i have about 100 lines with lots of asserts, so the problem is only with the plugin.


  • It was a long time ago, however the problem was that test classes didn't ended with suffix Test. Pretty obvious, but not at that time when I was second year IT student :)