I'm doing a very simple test for an interview and I can't click the "Start here" link, the error is element not interactable
Here is the following code:
Click Link xpath=//a[contains(text(),'Comece aqui.')]
Its a pretty straightforward element but still I cannot interact, inspecting the element I have:
<a href="https://www.amazon.com.br/ap/register?openid.pape.max_auth_age=0&openid.return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com.br%2F%3F_encoding%3DUTF8%26ref_%3Dnav_newcust&openid.identity=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.assoc_handle=brflex&openid.mode=checkid_setup&openid.claimed_id=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.ns=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0&" rel="nofollow" class="nav-a">Comece aqui.</a>
Any guesses?
Edit: here is my entire test
Library SeleniumLibrary
** Variables **
${click_criarconta} //a[contains(text(),'Comece aqui.')]
${name} ap_customer_name
${email} ap_email
${senha} ap_password
${senha2} ap_password_check
** Keywords **
Abrir Site
Open Browser https://www.amazon.com.br/ chrome
Botão para criar conta
Sleep 2s
Click Link xpath=${click_criarconta}
Inserir nome
Input Text ${name} Name Surname
Inserir e-mail
Input Text ${email} name@outlook.com
Inserir senha
Input Password ${senha} 12345
Input Password ${senha2} 12345
Fechar Browser
Close Browser
** Test Cases **
Cenário 1: Acessing Amazon and creating a new account
Abrir Site
Botão para criar conta
Inserir nome
Inserir e-mail
Inserir senha
Fechar Browser```
Here is the element
There is a couple of elements very similar in the page.
The first one:
You can find it with this xpath:
(//a[text()='Comece aqui.'])[1]
The second one
You can find it with this xpath:
(//a[text()='Comece aqui.'])[2]