
Handling zlib compressed json data between C++ Qt and javascript using webchannel

I'd like to share my knowledge on this process since it does not seem to be trivial and had to spend some time to figure it out. Hope this will be a useful manual.

The problem:

There is a QT application, that sends large amount of data to be plot using PlotlyJS using QWebChannel. The data contains about 20 million datapoints. After some investigation it turned out that the bottleneck is the QWebChannel data transfer. One possible solution I figured is to compress the data before putting on the channel. The biggest issue I faced was converting the inflated data back to json in a fast manner and how to use js pako zlib compressor to inflate.

I always received

Uncaught unknown compression method

error after various modifications.

The solution I came up with, can be seen in the answer section.


  • The solution:

    Note: This code does not contain the whole setup of web channel, but only the handling of the data between QT and JS.

    QT C++

    The important thing is that js pako.inflate() does not understand the header generated by qCompress hence the Unknown compression method error. The header contains four bytes, that at least in my case were 0-s. Trimming them fixes the error.

    QString compressJson(const QJsonObject &jsonObj)
        QJsonDocument doc(jsonObj);
        QString strJson(doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
        QByteArray data = qCompress(strJson.toUtf8());
        // Remove the first four bytes, so that the external (js zlib decompressor understands the size header)
        // Leaving the leading 4 bytes in place will cause "unknown compression method" on the js side.
        data.remove(0, 4);
        return QString(data.toBase64());
    #include <QByteArray>
    #include <QJsonObject>
    #include <chrono>
    using namespace std::chrono;
    QJsonObject getPlotDataJson()
        // generate plotly digestable json data
    SomeClass::SomeClass(QObject *pParent)
        : QObject
        auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
        m_data = compressJson(getPlotDataJson());
        auto stop = high_resolution_clock::now();
        auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(stop - start);
        qDebug() << "SomeClass::compress: " << duration.count() << " usecs";

    Don't forget to set your data you want to share with QWebChannel as Q_PROPERTY

    #include <QObject>
    #include <QString>
    class SomeClass: public QObject{
        Q_PROPERTY(QString plotData MEMBER m_data)
        explicit SomeClass(QObject *pParent = nullptr);
        QString m_data;

    JS Vanilla

    /* Using FileReader to read very large data efficiently */
    function largeuint8ArrToString(uint8arr, callback) {
        var bb = new Blob([uint8arr]);
        var f = new FileReader();
        f.onload = function(e) {
    //! Decompresses zlib compressed plot data
    function inflateData(data)
        // 1. Decode from base64
        var strData = atob(data);
        // 2. Convert to to js bytearray so that pako zlib inflate can understand the data
        const charData = strData.split('').map(function(x){return x.charCodeAt(0); });
        const bytes = new Uint8Array(charData);
        // 3. Decompress
        return pako.inflate(bytes)
    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
    var startTime0 =
    new QWebChannel(qt.webChannelTransport, function (channel) {
            var plotDataInflatedBytes = inflateData(channel.objects.SomeClass.plotData)
                    var mapped = JSON.parse(text)
                    // ... your code to process the data
            var endTime0 =
            console.log(`new QWebChannel() exec time ${endTime0 - startTime0} milliseconds`)


    Formerly used simple loop to convert binarray to string:

    let binArrayToString = function(binArray) {
        let str = "";
        for (let i = 0; i < binArray.length; i++) {
            str += String.fromCharCode(binArray[i]);
        return str;

    is replaced with a more efficient method using FileReader

    function largeuint8ArrToString(uint8arr, callback) {
        var bb = new Blob([uint8arr]);
        var f = new FileReader();
        f.onload = function(e) {


    Besides fixing the errors this code allowed me to plot the data in about 10 seconds instead of 30 min+. I also noticed that the performance still drops quite a bit if I double the cell count because of the binArrayToString mapping, so it is still the bottleneck.


    Uint8Array to string in Javascript

    How to zlib compress a QByteArray?

    How to use pako.js javascript? Pako is not defined