I want this step to only execute on the master branch
- name: test_step
type: Bash
- echo 'Hello world'
How do I ensure that this step only runs on the master branch?
Yes, we can execute any step based on condition using condition workflows https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Conditional+Workflows
In order to achieve your scenario, you can do something like:
- name: test_step
type: Bash
condition: '{{gitBranch}} == master'
- echo 'Hello world'
where {{gitBranch}}
is a pipeline variable available to be used in pipelines yml and can be used as a placeholder for whatever branch the pipeline was loaded from. When Pipelines syncs from the pipeline source, it automatically replaces any occurrence of {{gitBranch}} with the name of the current branch.