
"The named parameter 'channelId' is required, but there's no corresponding argument." Flutter error how to solve?

I tried to built video call using agora 5. But "RtcRemoteView.SurfaceView" show some error.I couldn't understand what's the reason for this.


enter image description here


import 'package:agora_rtc_engine/rtc_local_view.dart' as RtcLocalView;
import 'package:agora_rtc_engine/rtc_remote_view.dart' as RtcRemoteView;

enter image description here


     class VideoCall extends StatefulWidget {
  final String channelName;
  final ClientRole role;

  const VideoCall({Key? key, required this.channelName, required this.role})
      : super(key: key);

  _VideoCallState createState() => _VideoCallState();

class _VideoCallState extends State<VideoCall> {
  final _users = <int>[];
  final _infoStrings = <String>[];
  bool muted = false;
  RtcEngine? _engine;

  void dispose() {
    // clear users
    // destroy sdk

  void initState() {
    // initialize agora sdk

  Future<void> initialize() async {
    if (APP_ID.isEmpty) {
      setState(() {
          'APP_ID missing, please provide your APP_ID in settings.dart',
        _infoStrings.add('Agora Engine is not starting');

    await _initAgoraRtcEngine();
    await _engine?.enableWebSdkInteroperability(true);
    VideoEncoderConfiguration configuration = VideoEncoderConfiguration();
    configuration.dimensions = const VideoDimensions(); //(1920,1080)
    await _engine?.setVideoEncoderConfiguration(configuration);
    await _engine?.joinChannel(Token, widget.channelName, null!, 0);

  Future<void> _initAgoraRtcEngine() async {
    _engine = await RtcEngine.create(APP_ID);
    await _engine?.enableVideo();
    await _engine?.setChannelProfile(ChannelProfile.LiveBroadcasting);
    await _engine?.setClientRole(widget.role);

  void _addAgoraEventHandlers() {
    _engine?.setEventHandler(RtcEngineEventHandler(error: (code) {
      setState(() {
        final info = 'onError: $code';
    }, joinChannelSuccess: (channel, uid, elapsed) {
      setState(() {
        final info = 'onJoinChannel: $channel, uid: $uid';
    }, leaveChannel: (stats) {
      setState(() {
    }, userJoined: (uid, elapsed) {
      setState(() {
        final info = 'userJoined: $uid';
    }, userOffline: (uid, elapsed) {
      setState(() {
        final info = 'userOffline: $uid';
    }, firstRemoteVideoFrame: (uid, width, height, elapsed) {
      setState(() {
        final info = 'firstRemoteVideo: $uid ${width}x $height';

  List<Widget> _getRenderViews() {
    final List<StatefulWidget> list = [];
    if (widget.role == ClientRole.Broadcaster) {
    _users.forEach((int uid) => list.add(RtcRemoteView.SurfaceView(uid: uid)));
    return list;
        _users.forEach((int uid) => list.add(RtcRemoteView.SurfaceView(uid: uid)));
        return list;

pubspec.yaml file packages

enter image description here

How to solve this "The named parameter 'channelId' is required, but there's no corresponding argument. (Documentation) Try adding the required argument" error?


  • You just need to provide channelid to SurfaceView see the example in the official package site