Error decoder doesn't work.
I have 2 microservices M1 M2. M1 use feign client with custom ErrorDecoder for communicating with M2. Then i added Hystrix for circuit breaking if M2 is unavailable.
Feign client:
@FeignClient(name = "M2", fallback = M2Client.Fallback.class)
public interface M2Client{
UserDTO getUserById(@PathVariable long id);
//other endpoints
class Fallback implements M2Client{
public UserDTO getUserById(long id) {
throw new MicroserviceException("Service is unavailable");
Error decoder:
public class CustomErrorDecoder implements ErrorDecoder {
public Exception decode(String s, Response response) {
But Custom ErrorDecoder stop working and all time M2 throw error, that calling fallback
Okay, as I understand there is a following way how handling works:
So i changed fallback to fallback factory and just throw exception farther in Fallback class.
class Fallback implements FallbackFactory<M2Client> {
public AuthenticationClient create(Throwable cause) {
if (cause instanceof TimeoutException) {
throw new MicroserviceException("Service is unavailable");
if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) cause;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled exception: " + cause.getMessage());