I want to upload an image that I have already retrieved from the database(product table) to the cart table. The issue is, I can't use the .path with the MultipartFile("file", image.path);
I am getting an error if I try using .path with my image variable. I've also tried several methods but none is working... I'll attach my codes below
The image is already stored in a map(revievedMap) which I receivr from the previous screen so I'm not using an imagePicker, the product image I'm trying to access is already stored in the database.
request.fields['image'] = "${args.product.image}";
request.fields['image'] = "http://localhost:/shopice/assets/${args.product.image}";
I tried the code above, obviously didn't work.
var pic = await http.MultipartFile.fromPath("image", args.product.image!);
I also tried this, but I need to set the path on the second argument, but args.product.image.path(), is returning this error
[the getter 'path' isn't defined for the type 'String'. (Documentation) Try importing the library that defines 'path', correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'path'.]
here is the code:
//args.receivedMap: is my buyer detials
//args.product: is the product i'm trying to add to cart, which //contains the image
args.seller: is the seller details
child: FlatButton(
onPressed: ()async {
final uri = Uri.parse("");
var request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', uri);
request.fields['buyer_id'] =args.receivedMap['id'];
request.fields['seller_id'] = args.seller.id.toString();
request.fields['seller_name'] = args.seller.name!;
request.fields['buyer_name'] = args.receivedMap['name'];
request.fields['price'] = args.product.pricePerKg!;
request.fields['product_name'] = args.product.name!;
//request.fields['image'] = "${args.product.image}";
//var pic = await http.MultipartFile.fromPath("image", "http://localhost:/shopice/assets/${args.product.image}");
//File file = "${args.product.image}" as File;
//var pic = await http.MultipartFile.fromString("image", args.product.image!);
var bytes = (await rootBundle.load('http://localhost/shopice/assets/${args.product.image}')).buffer.asUint8List();
var mpFile = http.MultipartFile.fromBytes('img', bytes);
var response = await request.send();
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
showModalBottomSheet(context: context, builder: (context){
return Wrap(children: [ListTile(leading: Icon(Icons.done_outline), title: Text('Product Added TO Cart'),)],);
else if (response.statusCode == 500) {
showModalBottomSheet(context: context, builder: (context){
return Wrap(children: [ListTile(leading: Icon(Icons.done_outline), title: Text('Server Error '),)],);
else {
showModalBottomSheet(context: context, builder: (context){
return Wrap(children: [ListTile(leading: Icon(Icons.done_outline), title: Text('ERROR WHILE PERFORMING OPPERATION\n CONTACT SUPPORT'),)],);
else if(args.receivedMap.isEmpty){
var snackbar = SnackBar(
content: Text('Login To Add Product To Cart!',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0)),
const Color(0xff4A777A),
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 50.0),
child: Text(
'Add to Cart',
style: GoogleFonts.poppins(
color: Color(0xff4A777A)),
i simply add the image from the backend and forget about doing it with flutter, i moved the image with php and did some trial and error which later worked