I need a little help in removing an ENUM and replacing it with String in an AVRO schema.
I have an avro schema file which has something like this among other entries:
"name": "anonymizedLanguage",
"type": [
"default": null
The LanguageCode is also an avsc file with entries as below:
"name": "LanguageCode",
"type": "enum",
"namespace": "com.publicevents.common",
"symbols": [
I want to remove the language enum and move it to a string having the language code. How would I go about doing that ?
You can only do "type": ["null", "string"]
. You cannot make it "have" anything specific to a language within the schema, that's what an enum is for. Once it is a plain string, that would be app-specific validation logic to enforce it have specific values.