I am using android MediaMetaDataRetriever
which implements AutoCloseable
in an android application. I have the below code
try (final MediaMetadataRetriever retriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever()) {
return retriever.getFrameAtTime(10, getFrameOption());
minSDK > 21
but I am getting the following crash
No virtual method close()V in class Landroid/media/MediaMetadataRetriever; or its super classes (declaration of ‘android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever’ appears in /system/framework/framework.jar
how can this happen if MediaMetadataRetriever implements AutoCloseable
how can this happen if
MediaMetadataRetriever implements AutoCloseable
Because MediaMetadataRetriever
did not implement AutoCloseable
until API 29. So on older platforms, the close()
method does not exist, which is exactly what your crash is also saying.
On older platforms you have to (manually) call release()
instead, which is what close()
simply delegates to.
Unfortunately that means that you cannot use try-with-resources (or Kotlin's use
) with MediaMetadataRetriever
directly unless your minSdk is set to 29 or later.