I want to send email to user when some event occurs, I had searched on internet and I couldn't find how to do it. Can anyone show me right path.
I used Javamail library for sending email to user with the help of sendgrid.net email server.
Then I just implemented at what event I wanted to send email to the users. Tips: Use latest version of Javamail and don't forget to turn on Internet Permission in Manifest file
private fun sendMail(etEmail: EditText, etSubject: EditText, etMessage: EditText) {
// Set up the mail server
val host = "smtp.sendgrid.net"
val props = Properties().apply {
put("mail.smtp.auth", "true")
put("mail.smtp.ssl.enable", "true")
put("mail.smtp.host", host)
put("mail.smtp.port", "465")
// Set up authentication
val session = Session.getInstance(props, object : Authenticator() {
override fun getPasswordAuthentication() =
try {
// Create a default MimeMessage object
val message = MimeMessage(session).apply {
addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress(etEmail.text.toString()))
subject = etSubject.text.toString()
// Send the message
thread(start = true) {
println("Email sent successfully.")
println("running from thread(): ${Thread.currentThread()}")
Toast.makeText(this,"Mail sent",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
} catch (e: MessagingException) {