In a vanilla flutter I use to pass multiple parameters to other screen like this:
builder: (_) => CatalogFilterPage(
list: list,
bloc: bloc,
Pretty simple and easy. I can pass 2 needed parameters, list and bloc. After use it in CatalogFilterPage.
Now after switching to go_router and looking through documentation I can't seem to find how to pass multiple data. Even passing single object seems not that good:
onTap: () =>
context.pushNamed('SelectedCatalogItem', extra: list[index]),
And in router I have to use casting to set correct type:
builder: (context, state) => SelectedCatalogItem(
item: state.extra as ListItemsModel,
It was fine for single parameter. But now I don't have an idea how to pass multiple parameters. How can I do it? Is even passing parameters, like models, as an extra is right way?
P.S. I know that you can pass parameters as context.pushNamed('CatalogFilterPage', params: ___)
, but params
has type of Map<String, String> witch not let me pass model's
Below Go Router 7 i.e < 7.0.0 use `params`, `queryParams`
Go Router 7 to 10 i.e 7.0.0 <=, < 10.0.0 use `pathParameters`, `queryParameters`
Above Go Router 10 i.e 10.0.0 <= use `pathParameters`, `uri.queryParameters`
There are three ways: pathParameters
, queryParameters
, extra
path = '/routeName/:id1/:id2'
path = '/routeName'
When you know number of params beforehand use pathParameters
prop in context.goNamed()
path: '/sample/:id1/:id2', // 👈 Defination of params in the path is important
name: 'sample',
builder: (context, state) => SampleWidget(
id1: state.pathParameters['id1'],
id2: state.pathParameters['id2'],
onPressed: () {
var param1 = "param1";
var param2 = "param2";
context.goNamed("sample", pathParameters: {'id1': param1, 'id2': param2});
child: const Text("Hello"),
class SampleWidget extends StatelessWidget {
String? id1;
String? id2;
SampleWidget({super.key, this.id1, this.id2});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Use the queryParameters
in context.goNamed()
ex: context.goNamed('sample', queryParameters: {'id1': 'param1'})
function or
simply add params after the ? in the URL of context.go()
ex: context.go('/sample?id1=param1')
The best thing about queryParameters
is that you don't have to explicitly define them in your route path and can easily access them using the state.uri.queryParameters
method. You can add miscellaneous user-related data as a query parameter.
name: "sample",
path: "/sample",
builder: (context, state) => SampleWidget(
id1: state.uri.queryParameters['id1'],
id2: state.uri.queryParameters['id2'],
onPressed: () {
var param1 = "param1";
var param2 = "param2";
context.goNamed("sample", queryParameters: {'id1': param1, 'id2': param2});
// context.go("/sample?id1=$param1&id2=$param2"); 👈 or like this.
child: const Text("Hello"),
class SampleWidget extends StatelessWidget {
String? id1;
String? id2;
SampleWidget({super.key, this.id1, this.id2});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Use this when you want to pass a model/object
between routes
path: '/sample',
builder: (context, state) {
Sample sample = state.extra as Sample; // 👈 casting is important
return GoToScreen(object: sample);
Refer for passing object
between routes