
Heroku web.1 didn't updated env variable

After heroku changed my database connection (db, user, host, password) I have set the new setting on my heroku configs var but when I run the application it stills try to connect to the database with the old credentials, I have checked with heroku cofig with heroku config -a app_name and this shows the new password but when I send a request to my server it says:

error: password authentication failed for user "qzmxbgddsnhdbw"

and user "qzmxbgddsnhdbw" is the old one, the new is different, running heroku config -a myappname shows:

DB_USER: fspdcwvfirvilu

what i have tried:


  • I found out what was going on, the adonis migrate command sometimes doesn't finish if there's an active connection to your database it's up to us finish the migration command, that's why the deploy got stuck it was infinitely waiting for the migration command to finish and it never finishes, it was my last command on my profile, after removing the migrate command it worked fine and everything got updated as expected