I am having problem with ldap on spring, I know what that error means but idk what i am doing wrong in the config of the connection
this is my application.properties :
spring.ldap.username=CN=Intranet company
The password are good and username too but maybe my base is false? can anyone help me plz?
and here is what i try to do
private LdapTemplate ldapTemplate;
System.out.println( ldapTemplate.search(
"cn=" + account.username ,
(AttributesMapper<String>) attrs -> (String) attrs.get("sAMAccountName").get()));
I just try to connect to the active directory and discover how it works
The error message makes it clear that you're using Active Directory. So I'm pretty sure this is the problem:
spring.ldap.username=CN=Intranet company
I don't think Active Directory likes that format for the username. It either has to be:
CN=Intranet company,OU=Account,DC=company,DC=lan
), orsAMAccountName
attribute), orDOMAIN\username
if the user is not on the domain you're connecting to, oruserPrincipalName
(e.g. username@company.lan