
Can I use the NebulaGraph Dashboard service deployed on AWS to manage a NebulaGraph database node on another cloud such as Google Cloud?

I deployed a Nebula Graph database Enterprise cluster on AWS according to their doc here. It has a NebulaGraph Dashboard service that seems to be able to manage different NebulaGraph nodes.

Does anyone know if I can use Dashboard to manage my NebulaGraph database on GCP?


  • It's technically doable but not worth it hacking so.

    Dashboard could:

    1. do lifecycle management(including scale-in & scale-out, stop&start) towards services on hosts via SSH
    2. do observability/monitoring things towards services/hosts via exporters(node or nebulagraph)
    3. do NebulaGraph related ops via GraphClient

    In theory, if 2. and 3. are network-wise connected, there is no blocking issue.

    While for 1., apart from the network perspective, the lifecycle management(scale-out, for instance) is overlapped with the cloud infra orchestration(cloud formation/terraform etc.), before this was integrated(that dashboard is calling cloud formation stacks or terraform to provision nodes and/or service binaries), the scaling feature cannot be used from the dashboard.