I wrote the following function:
fun <T> myFunction(res: Response, type: T): T {
return res.`as`(type!!::class.java)
And I would like to use it in the following way:
fun anotherFunction(): MyClass {
val res = getResponse()
return myFunction(res, MyClass)
But I get the following error:
Type mismatch.
Required: MyClass
Found: MyClass.Companion
How can I solve it?
I don't know exactly what the as
function does, but I suppose it performs some sort of conversion from one class instance into an instance of some other class?
You seem to be trying to pass a class type as a function argument. You can do it in one of two ways:
fun <T: Any> myFunction(res: Response, type: Class<T>): T {
return res.`as`(type)
fun anotherFunction(): MyClass {
val res = getResponse()
return myFunction(res, MyClass::class.java)
inline fun <reified T: Any> myFunction(res: Response): T {
return res.`as`(T::class.java)
fun anotherFunction(): MyClass {
val res = getResponse()
return myFunction(res) // <MyClass> is inferred by anotherFunction return type