Lets say I have a change list 1234
I want to see the details of changelists before and after 1234
Is there a command to do that?
I want to see an equivalent command in p4
for git log
and see a few commits before and after the commit that is of interest to me (which is equivalent to change list 1234
Use the p4 changes
command with a revision range. Revision ranges can be changelist numbers, revision numbers, dates, or labels.
C:\Perforce\workshop>p4 changes @1230,1238
Change 1238 on 2002/01/08 by richard_geiger@rmg:intjam:chinacat 'Pass a void *closure parameter '
Change 1237 on 2002/01/08 by richard_geiger@rmg:intjam:chinacat 'Experimental support for runnin'
Change 1236 on 2002/01/08 by richard_geiger@rmg:intjam:chinacat 'Prepare template for next relea'
Change 1235 on 2002/01/08 by david_abrahams@morepie 'Files not in the original Jam d'
Change 1234 on 2002/01/08 by david_abrahams@morepie 'Newly added files were missing '
Change 1233 on 2002/01/07 by jonathan_kamens@jonathan_kamens 'Update the coument documenting '
Change 1232 on 2002/01/07 by craig_mcpheeters@craig_mcpheeters-home 'Clarified the error on invalid '
Change 1231 on 2002/01/06 by craig_mcpheeters@craig_mcpheeters-home 'Oops, forgot about NT. Changed'
Change 1230 on 2002/01/06 by craig_mcpheeters@craig_mcpheeters-home 'This contains alterations to Ma'