
How to compare two strings, and change the color of them in assembly 8086

Can someone please help me. I'm new to assembly, and I have to do the following:

Write an assembly language program that allows you to enter two lines of no more than 50 characters from the keyboard. and displays the following groups of characters in the appropriate color: common characters for both terms (in red), characters of the first line that are not in the second (in blue), characters of the second line that are not in the first (in yellow)

I already did the first part, but I can't figure out how to change the text color.

.model small

message1 db "Enter any string: $"
message2 db "Given string is :$"
str1 db 50 dup('$')
str2 db 25 dup('$')


mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax   
; disply first massege:
mov dx,offset message1    ; Enter any string: 
mov ah,09h
int 21h    
;adding new line
call new_line
;fist strig up to 25 char
lea dx, str1
mov str1,26
mov ah,10
int 21h

;adding new line
call new_line 
;second string up to 25 char
lea dx, str2
mov str2,26
mov ah,10
int 21h

;adding new line
call new_line
;disply the input
mov dx,offset message2
mov ah,09h
int 21h 

;adding new line
call new_line
;first string
mov cl,str1[1]
mov si,2
mov dl,str1[si]
mov ah,2
int 21h
inc si
loop output        
;adding new line
call new_line
;second string
mov cl,str2[1]
mov si,2
mov dl,str2[si]
mov ah,2
int 21h
inc si
loop output2         

mov ah,4ch
int 21h

new_line proc near
mov dl,10
mov ah,2
int 21h
mov dl,13
mov ah,2
int 21h   
new_line endp   


I tried to use next code, but it did not work:

mov si, 2
mov ch, 25 ;I have the max 25 char so I figured that I need to loop 25 times
MOV AH,09         ; FUNCTION 9
MOV AL,str1[si] ; here i think i need to move my first element 
MOV BX,0004      ; PAGE 0, COLOR 4
MOV Cl,1 ; here I don't know how many elements I have because i take input from the user 
inc si
INT 10H              ; INTERRUPT 10 -> BIOS
INT 20H 
loop color             ; END


  • Your attempt is going in the right direction but has some flaws.

      mov  si, 2
      mov  cx, 25
      mov  bx, 0004h        ; Page 0, Color RedOnBlack
      push cx               ; (1) Preserve CX
      mov  cx, 1            ; Repetition count
      mov  al, str1[si]
      inc  si
      mov  al, 09h
      int  10h              ; INTERRUPT 10 -> BIOS
      mov  ah, 0Eh
      int  10h
      pop  cx               ; (1) Restore CX
      loop color

    An alternative that does not need to preserve CX as we can use DX to control the loop:

      mov  si, 2
      mov  dx, 25
      mov  cx, 1            ; Repetition count
      mov  bx, 0004h        ; Page 0, Color RedOnBlack
      mov  al, str1[si]
      inc  si
      mov  al, 09h
      int  10h              ; INTERRUPT 10 -> BIOS
      mov  ah, 0Eh
      int  10h
      dec  dx
      jnz  color