I have a Dataframe that has a column "grades" containing a list of Grade objects that have 2 fields: name (String) and value (Double). I would like to add the word PASS to the list of tags if there is a Grade on the list with the name: HOME and a minimum value of 20.0. Example below:
| model| cnd | age| tags | grades |
| foo1| xx| 10| [] | [{name:"ATW", value: 10.0}, {name:"HOME", value: 20.0}] |
| foo2| xz| 12| [] | [{name:"ATW", value: 70.0}] |
| foo3| xc| 13| [] | [{name:"ATW", value: 90.0}, {name:"HOME", value: 10.0}] |
| model| cnd | age| tags | grades |
| foo1| xx| 10| [PASS]| [{name:"ATW", value: 10.0}, {name:"HOME", value: 20.0}] |
| foo2| xz| 12| [] | [{name:"ATW", value: 70.0}] |
| foo3| xc| 13| [] | [{name:"ATW", value: 90.0}, {name:"HOME", value: 10.0}] |
I haven't been able to find a reasonable solution. So far I have got this:
) && col("grades.value") >= lit(20.0),
array_union(col("tags"), lit(Array("PASS")))
But this code for some reason throws
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve '(`grades`.`value` >= 20.0D)' due to data type mismatch: differing types in '(`grades`.`value` >= 20.0D)' (array<double> and double).;;
The data is read from bigquery and there is no way that there is an array of double numbers in the value field.
Assume data
is called your dataset (as below for the sake of simplicity):
|tags|grades |
|[] |[{ATW, 10.0}, {HOME, 20.0}]|
|[] |[{ATW, 70.0}] |
|[] |[{ATW, 90.0}, {HOME, 10.0}]|
If by any case your column (grades
) is string, then we might want to convert the JSON to a structure as below (you can also skip this part):
data = data.withColumn("grades",
expr("from_json(grades, 'array<struct<name:string,value:double>>')")
Once this is in place, then we can apply the following:
data = data.withColumn("tags",
// when this condition is met, meaning that if there is one combo name = HOME and value >= 20
expr("size(filter(grades, x -> x.name == 'HOME' and x.value >= 20))").geq(1),
// concatenate whatever there is in TAGS column with array("pass")
array_union(col("tags"), array(lit("PASS")))
// otherwise, do not touch TAGS column
Final output looks like:
|tags |grades |
|[PASS]|[{ATW, 10.0}, {HOME, 20.0}]|
|[] |[{ATW, 70.0}] |
|[] |[{ATW, 90.0}, {HOME, 10.0}]|
Good luck!