Here is an example of my form. How can I use python to modify the url and answer for the first question, as I am not familiar with using batchupdate?
I can use "get" to retrieve information from the form.
{'formId': '1q4pJMDtiLxQ2cjmLXxowqJ5VPfI68bUUo',
'info': {'title': 'PIXEL ', 'documentTitle': 'daily'},
'settings': {'quizSettings': {'isQuiz': True}},
'revisionId': '00000067',
'responderUri': '',
'items': [{'itemId': '7c0ddb37', 'pageBreakItem': {}},
{'itemId': '2870b06c', 'videoItem': {'video': {'youtubeUri': '', 'properties': {'alignment': 'LEFT', 'width': 320}}}},
{'itemId': '381aedf6', 'questionGroupItem': {'questions': [{'questionId': '4d7f011e', 'required': True, 'rowQuestion': {'title': 'pick'}}], 'grid': {'columns': {'type': 'RADIO', 'options': [{'value': '1'}, {'value': '2'}, {'value': '3'}]}}}, 'title': 'pay'},
{'itemId': '0f9dc00b', 'title': 'number', 'questionItem': {'question': {'questionId': '39523976', 'required': True,
'grading': {'correctAnswers': {'answers': [{'value':'1115'}]}}, 'textQuestion': {}}}},
{'itemId': '0a12a42e', 'pageBreakItem': {}},
{'itemId': '19640fea', 'videoItem': {'video': {'youtubeUri': '', 'properties': {'alignment': 'LEFT', 'width': 320}}}},
{'itemId': '685ba545', 'questionGroupItem': {'questions': [{'questionId': '044f9f9b', 'required': True, 'rowQuestion': {'title': 'pick'}}], 'grid': {'columns': {'type': 'RADIO', 'options': [{'value': '1'}, {'value': '2'}, {'value': '3'}]}}}, 'title': 'pay'},
{'itemId': '6a9d1b88', 'title': 'number', 'questionItem': {'question': {'questionId': '2199beb0', 'required': True,
'grading': {'correctAnswers': {'answers': [{'value': '1115'}]}}, 'textQuestion': {}}}}]}
The official documentation has too few examples for me to understand how to apply it to my form.
update = {
"requests": [{
"updateItem": {
"item": {
"title": "Homework video",
"description": "Quizzes in Google Forms",
"videoItem": {
"video": {
"youtubeUri": ""
},"location": {
"index": 0},
"updateMask": "description,youtubeUri"
question_setting = service.forms().batchUpdate(
formId=form_id, body=update).execute()
From your following reply,
I want to update the youtubeUri item and use a new URL. How can I do this? i have two question use the video,how do i update the first question URL ?
I understood your question is as follows.
of 1st question in Google Forms using googleapis for python.In this case, how about the following sample script?
service = # Please use your client
formId = "###" # Please set your Google Form ID.
after = "" # Please set YouTube URL you want to replace. In this sample, the existing URL is changed to this URL.
res = service.forms().get(formId=formId).execute()
itemIds = [[i, e["itemId"]] for i, e in enumerate(res.get("items")) if "videoItem" in e]
topItem = itemIds[0] # From your question, `youtubeUri` of the 1st question.
req = {
"requests": [
"updateItem": {
"item": {
"itemId": topItem[1],
"videoItem": {
"video": {
"youtubeUri": after,
"location": {"index": topItem[0]},
"updateMask": "",
service.forms().batchUpdate(formId=formId, body=req).execute()
are retrieved. And, using the 1st item ID, the value of youtubeUri
is changed to the value of after
you set.