in a CI/CD system, when multiple concurrent xcode processes run in parallel on the same mac-agent, errors occur with the processing of the shared cache.
Error example: ❌ fatal error: malformed or corrupted AST file: 'could not find file '.../Pods/Firebase/CoreOnly/Sources/module.modulemap' referenced by AST file '~Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/2FKA2K2BK8GI0/ObjectiveC-1KD62J152BYGO.pcm''
in the build on another agent the following error:
❌ fatal error: module file '~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache.noindex/2FKA2K2BK8GI0/Foundation-A3SOD99KJ0S9.pcm' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt: signature mismatch
add a trigger on the xcode process to read-write data movement in DerivedData
if the process somehow goes on, then wait and start the process in a minute
also think about isolating build threads to xcode xcode 13.4.1
I took advantage of ruby and sketched out such a script that simply suspends other parallel xcode build processes if the xcodebuild process is already running on the agent.
sleep_time = (( -"%s").to_f) * 1000000).to_i # 988589 or 153779 or 39680
when sleep_time > 300000
sleep_time /= 10000
when sleep_time > 100000 && sleep_time < 300000
sleep_time /= 1000
when sleep_time > 10000 && sleep_time < 100000
sleep_time /= 1000
when sleep_time > 1000 && sleep_time < 10000
sleep_time /= 100
when sleep_time > 300 && sleep_time < 1000
sleep_time /= 10
puts("maximal sleep time = #{sleep_time}")
# sleep(Random.rand(sleep_time))
loop do
xcodebuildProcess = `ps -A | grep xcodebuild | awk '{print $4}'`
xcodebuildProcesschecker = false
if xcodebuildProcess.match("Applications/")
xcodebuildProcesschecker = true
puts 'find Applications/'
xcodebuildProcesschecker = false
puts("xcodebuild process is not running")
break if xcodebuildProcesschecker == false
sh("ls -la ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/")
sh("ls -la ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/") if Dir.exists?("~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/")
sh("rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/")
sh("ls -la ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/")