
How to test Google Drive UI Integration "New" and "Open With"?

My question is exactly like this question but I think I am missing something because I can't seem to follow the marked answer. So to clear things up:

Now how do I test my website to make sure the code at is correct? How do I get the "Open With" menu in my Drive?

As I understand I need to somehow install an unpublished Google Workspace App, but how do I do that? In this case, clearly I am not using any App Script so the answer in the linked question confuses me greatly.

I found out Alternate Runtime but the deployment.json doc confuses me as well as I cannot find any information on how to fill it in. I took the sample JSON there, delete all services but drive, tried Installing it but I do not see the menu anywhere. Also I believe this is for an add-on app which I think my app is not (because the website simply receive a request and process it, not modifying any UI of Drive). Below is my current config:

  "oauthScopes": [""],
  "addOns": {
    "common": {
      "name": "My App",
      "logoUrl": "",
      "homepageTrigger": {
        "runFunction": ""
    "drive": {


  • I found out that from your page, if you request scope, the app get installed and you get the menu from Google Drive.

    So the scope should be something like this (space-delimited):

    I didn't have drive.install scope before.

    Previous answer:

    As a temporary workaround, I wrote this web page to simulate the state parameter: The repo source code and documentation is here:

    Basically it uses Picker API to grant permission of files or a folder to your app and then redirect to the app URL with documented state parameter:

    enter image description here