
Java production: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException Unable to build SpringBoot project

I've launched my spring boot project, my computer suddenly shuts down (battery issue !) Then I got the following error when trying to run the project again

Module 'ms-overdue' production: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Range [-1, -1 + 1025) out of bounds for length 1024

I tried to invalidate caches and restart again but it doesn't work ! any suggestion please


  • Such weird error! But it seems that it's an issue with InteliJ IDE due to the unexpected shutdown

    In order to fix it, I to uninsatll and reinstall my IDE (an update maybe enough), then I got a new error

    Maven resources compiler: Maven project configuration required for module 'ms-overdue' isn't available. Compilation of Maven projects is supported only if external build is started from an IDE.

    I removed the project from history and I opened it again , finally I right clicked on pom.xml > + Add as Maven Project