I am trying to write image ( .png/.jpeg/...etc) files to aerospike. From aerospike documentation (https://docs.aerospike.com/server/guide/data-types/blob) I understand that this can be achieved using blob data type. However there is no documentation on using blob data type in C API library (https://docs.aerospike.com/apidocs/c/, https://developer.aerospike.com/client/c) or in aql. I know writing other data types (like int, string, CDT..etc) to aerospike using C API library but using blob data type I am not getting from where to start. Can someone help with documentation on using blob data type in aerospike C API library.
As answered by @pgupta as_record_set_bytes() can be used to write bytes to aerospike. C code snippet to write is as follows:
as_bytes b;
//Reading file into char array
fp = fopen(img_path, "rb"); //Open the file in binary read mode.
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); //jump to end of file
filelen=ftell(fp); //Get current byteoffset
rewind(fp); //jump back to begining of the file
buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(filelen*sizeof(uint8_t));
fread(buffer, filelen, 1, fp);
//set as_bytes
as_bytes_init(&b, filelen);
as_bytes_set(&b, 0, buffer, filelen);
as_record_set_bytes(&rec, "attachment", &b); //Set blob data
Bytes can be retrived using as_record_get_bytes(). as_bytes can be converted into uint8_t* type using as_bytes_copy(). C code snippet to read is as follows:
as_bytes* b;
uint8_t* res;
unint32_t res_size;
aerospike_key_get(as, &err, NULL, &key, &rec);
b = as_record_get_bytes(rec, bin_name);
res = malloc((b->size)*sizeof(uint8_t));
res_size = as_bytes_copy(b, 0, res, b->size);
Detailed description of each of the aerospike functions can be found at C API Client Aerospike documentation (https://docs.aerospike.com/apidocs/c/index.html).