
How does Tensorflow's Decision Forests handle categorical data?

I'm evaluating two different unsupervised ML algorithms, Isolation Forest and LSTM Autoencoder model, to identify anomalies in a large time series data. This dataset includes mostly categorical data such as Ip Adresses, cloud subscription Ids,tenant Ids, userAgents, and client Application Ids.

When reading a tutorial on an implementation of a Tensorflow's Decision Tree (TF-DF) model, it mentions that the model handles non-label categorical values natively and

there is no need for preprocessing in the form of one-hot encoding, normalization or extra is_present feature.

Does anybody know how Tensorflow handles the categorical features behind the scenes (assuming they do some transformation into a numeric representation)?


  • Tl;dr: There is a natural way of using categorical features in decision trees/forests that requires no encoding. Tensorflow Decision Forests uses this and a number of standard transformations to handle categorical features.

    Tensorflow Decision Forest (TF-DF) constructs decision tree / decision forest models. A single decision tree recursively splits the dataset along its features. Splits along categorical features can naturally be performed through so-called in-set conditions. For instance, a tree can express a condition like userAgents \in \{“Mozilla/5.0”, “InternetExplorer/10.0”\}. Other types of conditions are also possible. Tensorflow Decision Forests (TF-DF) can construct in-set conditions if the dataset contains categorical features.

    More specifically, Tensorflow Decision Forests uses the C++ library Yggdrasil Decision Forests (YDF) under the hood for any advanced computations. YDF offers three different algorithms for finding a good categorical split of the data. For example, the Random algorithm will just try out many possible splits at random and pick the best one.

    For performance and quality reasons, YDF also preprocesses categorical features: If a categorical value is very rare, YDF may consider it “out-of-dictionary”, the threshold for “rare” being user-configurable. Furthermore, YDF maps the categorical features to integers by decreasing item frequency, with the mapping stored as part of the model. Note that this is purely an internal encoding; the algorithms are aware that a feature is categorical, hence typical issues with integer encodings do not apply.

    Finally, Tensorflow Decision Forests (TF-DF) uses Keras, which expects classification tasks to have an integer label. Therefore, TF-DF users have to encode the label themselves or use the built-in pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset.

    Note that this answer only applies to Tensorflow Decision Forests. Other parts of Tensorflow may need manual encoding.