When I use a plugin that requires python, it can't find it and barfs.
The places that seem to being searched are:
Using -version
I see both:
However :echo has("python3")
returns 0
I'm not sure if this is compile time config, or runtime-configurable via .vimrc
I'm not a python developer, and the few times I've ventured into that world were in the middle of the python2/python3 mess that turned me off completely. I've played around enough to have configured pyenv
it seems, and get
╰─$ which python
╰─$ python --version
Python 3.10.3
Can anyone help shed light on what to do to get python3 findable/usable in my vim?
Following @romainl's suggestion below I set in my .vimrc
set pythonthreedll=/Users/benlieb/.pyenv/shims/python
But getting the following error:
After some time, I found the following works, thought it was not a fun path of discovery.
let &pythonthreedll = trim(system("pyenv which python"))