I would like to link my logs in elastics to APM traces. I'm using .net core 7 with couple of libraries:
<PackageReference Include="Elastic.Apm.AspNetCore" Version="1.19.0"/>
<PackageReference Include="Elastic.Apm.SerilogEnricher" Version="1.5.3"/>
<PackageReference Include="Elastic.Apm.SqlClient" Version="1.19.0"/>
APM traces looks nice in Kibana - I can see traces across multiple services, DB and so on.
I've got my logs in elastic with necessary fields:
I also see my logs in Observability -> Logs -> Stream.
But when I open Observability -> APM -> Service -> MyServiceName I see nice overview with traces, but without linked logs. I got following message:
There are no log messages to display.
I also tried to added following fields to log message, but it did not help:
My services are running in Kubernetes.
Elastic stack version is 8.4.3
Any ideas which configuration is missing in ELK?
I've managed to add logs to Observability -> APM -> Service -> MyServiceName -> Logs tab.
ELK expects you to have service.name property in your log documents. This property could be added by your log aggregator or by app itself. I used following code to do it:
public class ElasticApmLogEnricher : ILogEventEnricher
private readonly string ServiceName;
public ElasticApmLogEnricher(string serviceName)
ServiceName = serviceName;
public void Enrich(LogEvent logEvent, ILogEventPropertyFactory propertyFactory)
if (!Agent.IsConfigured) return;
if (Agent.Tracer?.CurrentTransaction == null) return;
"service.name", ServiceName));