
Icons in PyQt application not showing up

I'm having a hard time making the icons from my application visible when the it runs. I've tried everything I could search, and still I don't know what could be wrong. My current dir looks like:

├─ main.py
├─ icons_rc.py
├─ ui_window.py
├─ window.ui
├─ icons.qrc
├─ icons/
│  ├─ icon1.png
|  ├─ ...
|  ├─ iconN.png

The icons_rc.py file was generated with the command pyrcc5 icons.qrc -o icons_rc.py and it's imported to both the main.py and ui_window.py.

The icons.qrc file was generated in QtDesigner as the following:

  <qresource prefix="/">

I've tried generating the .qrc file again, putting it inside the icons folder, changing the prefix of the file, and looked extensively into tutorials on how to do it step-by-step and still I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.


  • After some months ignoring this particular problem from my project, I finally was able to solve it! What I did was to add the "icons" part to the prefix, and used pyside-rcc to convert the .qrc file into a icons_rc.py, following a tutorial from PyQt's documentation page