
Display default locale value in url all the time

I am using Next.js i18n-routing in my project and it is working perfect as

But I want to display default locale value (en) in the url all the time if there is no other language

Is there an option from next.js i18n or a way to do this ?


  • you can do this with Prefixing the Default Locale

    first add this to next.config.js:

    // next.config.js
    module.exports = {
      i18n: {
        locales: ['default', 'en', 'de', 'fr'],
        defaultLocale: 'default',
        localeDetection: false,
      trailingSlash: true,

    and then create a middleware.ts (or .js) file at the root or in the src directory (same level as your pages). learn more on the new Next.js middleware

    // middleware.ts
    import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server'
    const PUBLIC_FILE = /\.(.*)$/
    export async function middleware(req: NextRequest) {
      if (
        req.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/_next') ||
        req.nextUrl.pathname.includes('/api/') ||
      ) {
      if (req.nextUrl.locale === 'default') {
        const locale = req.cookies.get('NEXT_LOCALE') || 'en'
        return NextResponse.redirect(
          new URL(`/${locale}${req.nextUrl.pathname}${}`, req.url)

    now if there is no specified locale it will fall back to the user locale or en

    you can see this example in action here: Edit epic-lumiere-b94rw4