I want to visualize network with selection different nodes. For better understanding the problem attached this code.
from pyvis.network import Network
G = nx.Graph()
rels = [
["Fred", "George"],
["Harry", "Rita"],
["Fred", "Ginny"],
["Tom", "Ginny"],
["Harry", "Ginny"],
["Harry", "George"],
["Frank", "Ginny"],
["Marge", "Rita"],
["Fred", "Rita"]
net = Network(notebook=True, height="750px", width="100%", bgcolor = '#222222', font_color = 'white', select_menu=True)
I use pyvis select_menu=True
and my net doesn't exist. If I delete select_menu=True
, my network appear.
Passing cdn_resources='remote'
in Network
worked for me.
In your case the following should work:
net = Network(notebook=True, height="750px", width="100%", bgcolor = '#222222', font_color = 'white', select_menu=True, cdn_resources='remote')
Possible reason for this would be that, pyvis
is not able to find the required cdn resources in our local directory.