
I tried to connect MQTTS with my HTTPS server but it didn't work. It works fine on MQTTX but with PHP it doesn't connect

I tried to connect MQTTS with my HTTPS server but it didn't work. It works fine on MQTTX but with PHP it doesn't connect.


$server   = 'myServer';
$port     = '8883';
$clientId = 'testing';
$username = 'XXXX';
$password = 'XXXX';
$clean_session = false;

$connectionSettings  = new ConnectionSettings();
    ->setLastWillMessage('client disconnect')

$mqtt = new MqttClient($server, $port, $clientId);
$mqtt->connect($connectionSettings, $clean_session);

$mqtt->subscribe('mytopic/respond', function ($topic, $message) use ($mqtt) {
    echo $message;
}, 2);


How to connect MQTTS with PHP.


  • For connecting MQTTS we need to add three additional params into the connectionSettings

    ->setTlsSelfSignedAllowed(true) // Allow self-signed certificates. Discouraged for production use.
    ->setTlsVerifyPeer(false)           // Do not require the self-signed certificate to match the host. Discouraged.

    $server   = 'myServer';
    $port     = '8883';
    $clientId = 'testing';
    $username = 'XXXX';
    $password = 'XXXX';
    $clean_session = false;
    $connectionSettings = (new ConnectionSettings)
        ->setLastWillMessage('client disconnect')
        ->setTlsSelfSignedAllowed(true) // Allow self-signed certificates. Discouraged for production use.
        ->setTlsVerifyPeer(false)           // Do not require the self-signed certificate to match the host. Discouraged.
    $mqtt = new MqttClient($server, $port, $clientId);
    $mqtt->connect($connectionSettings, $clean_session);
    $mqtt->subscribe('mytopic/respond', function ($topic, $message) use ($mqtt) {
        echo $message;
    }, 2);