I have a deployment script that executes the migrations this way:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff --allow-empty-diff --env=prod
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction --allow-no-migration --env=prod
And I am getting this error:
[ERROR] No changes detected in your mapping information.
Previously, before upgrading to migrations 3, the error was not being thrown. Once I upgraded it the error started to appear.
"doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "2.1.*",
"doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "3.1.*", // previously "2.2.*"
"doctrine/migrations": "3.2.*", // previously "2.2.*"
At first I thought that the --allow-empty-diff
was removed in the new version, but when I run:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff --help
I do see
--allow-empty-diff Do not throw an exception when no changes are detected.
Any ideas?
It seems the functionality stills works the same as before. If no changes are detected, a message is printed to the console.
However, the difference between 2.2.* and 3.6.* is that it the latter uses StyleInterface
to style the message as an error instead of using the regular OutputInterface
In both cases, a exception is not thrown.