
Elasticsearch Java Client Jackson Mapper pollutes Spring Jackson Mapper

I'm updating my Spring Boot project to version 3.0.0 of Spring Boot. One important dependecy is the Spring Data Elastic Repository. I included the starter dependency:


After updating the dependecies, my unit test are failing, because no more null values are provided by the web controller. I tried to change the behavior by using the property inclusion configuration:

    default-property-inclusion: always

This did not help. I debugged the code party and it seems like the new Elastic Java Client has it's own Jackson Mapper config, which sets the global config to 'NON_NULL'.

package co.elastic.clients.json.jackson;


public class JacksonJsonpMapper extends JsonpMapperBase {

    private final JacksonJsonProvider provider;
    private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;


    public JacksonJsonpMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
                .configure(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT, false)
            // Creating the json factory from the mapper ensures it will be returned by JsonParser.getCodec()
            new JacksonJsonProvider(objectMapper.getFactory())


Does anybody know how to solve this issue?


  • I found a soultion for the problem. Spring Boot has an autoconfiguration for the Elastic Jackson mapper. This autocofiguration uses the same ObjectMapper as the web controller:


    package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.elasticsearch;
     * Configurations for import into {@link ElasticsearchClientAutoConfiguration}.
     * @author Andy Wilkinson
    class ElasticsearchClientConfigurations {
    @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
    static class JacksonJsonpMapperConfiguration {
        JacksonJsonpMapper jacksonJsonpMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
            return new JacksonJsonpMapper(objectMapper);



    It is possible to override this Bean to copy the ObjectMapper instance and create an own ObjectMapper for the Elastic client:


    internal class CustomJacksonJsonpMapperConfiguration {
    fun jacksonJsonpMapper(objectMapper: ObjectMapper): JacksonJsonpMapper {
        return JacksonJsonpMapper(objectMapper.copy())
