So I have a spark dataframe with some columns and I want to add some new columns which are the product of the initial columns: new_col1 = col_1 * col_2 & new_col2 = col_3 * col_4.
See the data frames below as an example.
| id | col_1| col_2| col_3| col_4|
|1 | a | x | d1 | u |
|2 | b | y | e1 | v |
|3 | c | z | f1 | w |
df_new =
| id | col_1| col_2| col_3| col_4| new_col1 | new_col2 |
|1 | a | x | d1 | u | a*x | d1*u |
|2 | 2 | 3 | e1 | v | 6 | e1*v |
|3 | c | z | 4 | 2.5 | c*z | 10 |
Of course, this would be rather straightforward using
df_new = (
.withColumn(newcol_1, col(col_1)*col(col_2))
.withColumn(newcol_2, col(col_3)*col(col_4))
However, the number of times that this operation is variable; so the number of new_col's is variable. Besides this happens in a join. So I would really like to do this all in 1 expression.
My solution was this, I have a config file with a dictionary with columns part of the operations (this is the place where I can add more columns to be calculated) (don't mind the nesting of the dictionary)
"multiplied_parameters": {
"mult_parameter1": {"name": "new_col1", "col_parts": ["col_1","col_2"]},
"mult_parameter2": {"name": "new_col2", "col_parts": ["col_3, col_4"]},
Then I use this for loop to create an expression which produces the expression:
col_1*col_2 as new_col1, ``col_3*col_4 as new_col2
newcol_lst = []
for keyval in dictionary["multiplied_parameters"].items():
f'{"*".join(keyval[1]["col_parts"])} as {keyval[1]["name"]}'
operation = f'{", ".join(newcol_lst)}'
col_lst = ["col_1", "col_2", "col_3", "col_4"]
df_new = (
This gives me the error.
mismatched input ',' expecting {<EOF>, '-'}(line 1, pos 33)
== SQL ==
col_1*col_2 as new_col1, col_3*col_4 as new_col2
So the problem is in the way that I concatenate the two operations. I also know that this the problem because when the dictionary only has 1 key (mult_parameter1) then I don't have any problem.
The question is thus, in essence, how can I use .expr() with two different arithmetics to determine two different calculated columns.
In the end is used .selectExpr(), which did the job. This looks like this:
col_lst = ["col_1", "col_2", "col_3", "col_4"]
df_new = (
This works like a charm.
I tested the solution of @vladimir prus, and that works as well, thanks for your input!