On my page i am trying to implement a recently viewed section on my home page. The problem is when I append a new item to request.session["recently-viewed"], the item i just viewed gets deleted from the list when i load a new page.
The item view is a page which displays the details about a specific item. I want that particular item to be added and saved into a session variable. When the user visits any other page the session variable "recently-viewed" should be saved. Recently viewed items can then be displayed on the home page.
There is a similar question that has been asked but the only answer was a solution using javascript. If possible could solutions stay away from javascript.
def item(request, item_id):
if "recently-viewed" not in request.session:
request.session["recently-viewed"] = [item_id]
when in item view:
request.session["recently-viewed"] = ["item1", "item2"]
when another page is loaded:
request.session["recently-viewed"] = ["item1"]
Django, by default, only saves the session when a key has been deleted or assigned to. Because you are mutating a list you need to tell Django to save the session
request.session.modified = True