
Animation lags with inverted Flatlist (Expo / TypeScript)

I was trying to implement a WhatsApp like cancelling recording button. Everything was working fine, all animations lauching correctly, start and stop recording too.

But after a few seconds (could be 10 seconds or 1 minute) pressing the gesture handler, the app freeze, all animations start to lags and FPS drop to 0. After trying many things, I found out that it is linked with a Flatlist I have in my view. When this Flatlist is inverted, that is when everything crash.

Here is the link of the Snack Just try to move the mic for at least 30 seconds on a physical device and you will see the app freeze

I am doing my tests on Android emulator and on Samsung S21 Ultra. On iOS everything seems to work fine

Thinking it was may be my packages version, I started a new project and put inside my view only a Flatlist with text items and my PanGestureHandler. All packages are up to date, even though the behavior is the same. If I remove "inverted" from my Flatlist, everything work fine.

I also tried to use Animated.Flatlist but no change (actually it's worse because inverted in Animated.Flatlist is not working correctly)

I also tried to reproduce it on Snack Expo, on my phone it crashes.

I noticed also that it is not linked to PanGestureHandler or Reanimated, because if I just create an animation with React Animated (with Animated.timing), and loop it, it does the same.

Edit : it seems like it is happening only on Android 13


  • After research, it is linked to Android 13, more and more people are facing this issue.

    Only solution I found on Github was here, it is the only way to make it worked while waiting for a fix