
Problem with message serializer in veins_inet simulation

I'm attempting to customize the veins_inet project (I have implemented a custom SUMO map and about 10 nodes. This simulation runs fine without the additions I present here), and in particular send a message containing the speed to each vehicle at set periods (this is completely disjoint to the messages sent during an accident). The .msg file I have is given simply by:

import inet.common.INETDefs;
import inet.common.packet.chunk.Chunk;

// General message definition
class GeneralMessage extends inet::FieldsChunk
    double Speed;

and the serializer files I have written for this messages are given by:

// GeneralMessageSerializer.h

#include "inet/common/packet/ChunkQueue.h"
#include "inet/common/packet/Packet.h"
#include "inet/common/packet/serializer/FieldsChunkSerializer.h"
#include "inet/common/packet/serializer/SequenceChunkSerializer.h"
#include "GeneralMessage_m.h"

namespace inet {

class GeneralMessageSerializer : public FieldsChunkSerializer
    virtual void serialize(MemoryOutputStream& stream, const Ptr<const Chunk>& chunk) const override;
    virtual const Ptr<Chunk> deserialize(MemoryInputStream& stream) const override;



#include "GeneralMessageSerializer.h"
#include "GeneralMessage_m.h"
#include "inet/common/packet/chunk/ByteCountChunk.h"
#include "inet/common/packet/chunk/BytesChunk.h"
#include "inet/common/packet/ChunkBuffer.h"
#include "inet/common/packet/Packet.h"
#include "inet/common/packet/ReassemblyBuffer.h"
#include "inet/common/packet/ReorderBuffer.h"
#include "inet/common/packet/serializer/ChunkSerializerRegistry.h"
#include "inet/common/TimeTag_m.h"

namespace inet {

Register_Serializer(GeneralMessage, GeneralMessageSerializer);

#define ASSERT_ERROR(code, message) try { code; ASSERT(false); } catch (std::exception& e) { ASSERT((int)std::string(e.what()).find(message) != -1); };

void GeneralMessageSerializer::serialize(MemoryOutputStream& stream, const Ptr<const Chunk>& chunk) const
    const auto& generalMessage = staticPtrCast<const GeneralMessage>(chunk);
//    auto Speed = stream.getSpeed();
    stream.writeByteRepeatedly(0, B(generalMessage->getChunkLength()).get());

const Ptr<Chunk> GeneralMessageSerializer::deserialize(MemoryInputStream& stream) const
    auto generalMessage = makeShared<GeneralMessage>();
    stream.readByteRepeatedly(0, B(generalMessage->getChunkLength()).get());
    return generalMessage;


This message is implemented into the veins_inet sample application by the addition of the code block

int i;
        // every node to send out a general message every second
        auto callback = [this]() {
            auto payload = makeShared<GeneralMessage>();
            auto packet = createPacket("general");
        timerManager.create(veins::TimerSpecification(callback).oneshotAt(SimTime(i, SIMTIME_S)));

in the StartApplication function of the file. As you can see, I'd like this GeneralMessage to be broadcast every second by every node in the simulation starting at 25s. For reference, I then have Pcap recorders on each node to record these messages but so far I haven't managed to get a message to be visible in these recordings as I suspected it wasn't being serialized in the right way.

The error I am receiving while trying to run this is:

Implicit chunk serialization is disabled to prevent unpredictable performance degradation (you may consider changing the Chunk::enableImplicitChunkSerialization flag or passing the PF_ALLOW_SERIALIZATION flag to peek) -- in module (VeinsInetSampleApplication) Scenario.node[0].app[0] (id=110), at t=25s, event #143

In case it is also useful, here is the readout from the last handful of events before the error hit in the console:

** Event #133 t=25 Scenario.node[8].ipv4.ip (Ipv4, id=658) on general (inet::Packet, id=1536)

INFO:Received (inet::Packet)general from network. DETAIL:Received datagram `' with dest= INFO:Delivering (inet::Packet)general (178 B) [[inet::Ipv4Header, length = 20 B | inet::UdpHeader, port:9001->9001, payloadLength:150 B, length = 8 B | GeneralMessage, length = 150 B]] locally. WARN:Received datagram 'general' without source address filled in INFO:Passing up to protocol udp(57) ** Event #134 t=25 Scenario.node[8].wlan[0].mac (Ieee80211Mac, id=622) on general (inet::Packet, id=1528)

INFO:Frame (inet::Packet)general (208 B) [[inet::ieee80211::Ieee80211DataHeader, length = 24 B | inet::Ieee80211EtherTypeHeader, length = 2 B | inet::Ipv4Header, length = 20 B | inet::UdpHeader, port:9001->9001, payloadLength:150 B, length = 8 B | GeneralMessage, length = 150 B | inet::ieee80211::Ieee80211MacTrailer, length = 4 B]] received from higher layer, receiver = 01-00-5E-00-00-01 INFO (Dcf)Scenario.node[8].wlan[0].mac.dcf:Processing upper frame: general INFO (PendingQueue)Scenario.node[8].wlan[0].mac.dcf.channelAccess.pendingQueue:Pushing packet general into the queue. DETAIL (Dcf)Scenario.node[8].wlan[0].mac.dcf:Requesting channel DETAIL (Contention)Scenario.node[8].wlan[0].mac.dcf.channelAccess.contention:Starting contention: cw = 15, slots = 15, slotTime = 0.000013, ifs = 0.000058, eifs = 0.000178 INFO (Contention)Scenario.node[8].wlan[0].mac.dcf.channelAccess.contention:Scheduling contention end: backoffslots = 15, slotTime = 0.000013, lastBusyTime = 20.000152936058, lastIdle = -4611676.018427387903, waitInterval = 0. ** Event #135 t=25 Scenario.node[0].udp (Udp, id=107) on general (inet::Packet, id=1529)

INFO:Packet general received from network, dest port 9001 INFO:Sending payload up to socket sockId=0 ** Event #136 t=25 Scenario.node[1].udp (Udp, id=170) on general (inet::Packet, id=1530)

INFO:Packet general received from network, dest port 9001 INFO:Sending payload up to socket sockId=1 ** Event #137 t=25 Scenario.node[2].udp (Udp, id=233) on general (inet::Packet, id=1531)

INFO:Packet general received from network, dest port 9001 INFO:Sending payload up to socket sockId=2 ** Event #138 t=25 Scenario.node[3].udp (Udp, id=296) on general (inet::Packet, id=1532)

INFO:Packet general received from network, dest port 9001 INFO:Sending payload up to socket sockId=3 ** Event #139 t=25 Scenario.node[4].udp (Udp, id=359) on general (inet::Packet, id=1533)

INFO:Packet general received from network, dest port 9001 INFO:Sending payload up to socket sockId=4 ** Event #140 t=25 Scenario.node[5].udp (Udp, id=422) on general (inet::Packet, id=1534)

INFO:Packet general received from network, dest port 9001 INFO:Sending payload up to socket sockId=5 ** Event #141 t=25 Scenario.node[7].udp (Udp, id=548) on general (inet::Packet, id=1535)

INFO:Packet general received from network, dest port 9001 INFO:Sending payload up to socket sockId=7 ** Event #142 t=25 Scenario.node[8].udp (Udp, id=611) on general (inet::Packet, id=1536)

INFO:Packet general received from network, dest port 9001 INFO:Sending payload up to socket sockId=8 ** Event #143 t=25 Scenario.node[0].app[0] (VeinsInetSampleApplication, id=110) on general (inet::Packet, id=1529)


  • You have changed the type of the message you send in VeinsInetSampleApplication but you have not changed the type of expected received message. So in there is something like that:

    void VeinsInetSampleApplication::processPacket(std::shared_ptr<inet::Packet> pk)
      auto payload = pk->peekAtFront<VeinsInetSampleMessage>();  // <-- causes an error
      EV_INFO << "Received packet: " << payload << endl;

    Therefore during receiving a packet is treated as VeinsInetSampleMessage, not GeneralMessage - it leads to an exception. I suggest changing that line into:

    auto payload = pk->peekAtFront<GeneralMessage>();

    And of course the remaining part of processPacket() must be changed accordingly (e.g. GeneralMessage doesn't contain roadId so one mustn't read it).