I have set up a soft deletion on SQLAlchemy 1.4 based on this example in the official doc here. The
filters out the soft-deleted objects whenever the execute_state.execution_options
is False.
At some point, I would like that some queries are able to search in the soft-deleted objects. I am able to do it per queries, i.e. specifying query.execution_options(include_deleted=True)
but I would like to make all queries of a particular session include soft-deleted objects without having to specify it for each query.
I have tried to declare the execution_options(include_deleted=True)
on the engine's creation but it does not work.
from sqlalchemy import orm
class SoftDeleted:
deletion_date = Column(DateTime, nullable=True)
@event.listens_for(orm.Session, "do_orm_execute")
def _add_filtering_criteria(execute_state: orm.ORMExecuteState) -> None:
"""Intercepts all ORM queries. Adds a with_loader_criteria option to all
of them.
This option applies to SELECT queries and adds a global WHERE criteria
(or as appropriate ON CLAUSE criteria for join targets)
to all objects of a certain class or superclass.
if (not execute_state.is_column_load
and not execute_state.is_relationship_load
and not execute_state.execution_options.get("include_deleted", False)):
execute_state.statement = execute_state.statement.options(
lambda cls: cls.deletion_date.is_(None),
engine = sa.create_engine(url, echo=False).execution_options(include_deleted=True)
session_factory = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = session_factory()
# let SomeClass be a class that inherits from the SoftDeleted mixin
myquery = session.query(SomeClass).get(1)
# will not retrieve SomeClass with uid=1 if it is soft-deleted
myquery2 = session.query(SomeClass).execution_options(include_deleted=True).get(1)
# will retrieve SomeClass with uid=1 even if it is soft-deleted
As I said, I would like that all queries of the session are able to include soft-deleted objects. Would someone know how I can do?
After snakecharmerb answers, I modified the following and I got the wanted behaviour
@event.listens_for(orm.Session, "do_orm_execute")
def _add_filtering_criteria(execute_state):
if (not execute_state.is_column_load
and not execute_state.is_relationship_load
and not execute_state.execution_options.get("include_deleted", False)
and not execute_state.session.info.get("include_deleted", False)):
engine = sa.create_engine(url, echo=False) \
session_factory = orm.sessionmaker(
engine.get_execution_options().get('include_deleted', False)})
session = session_factory()
You have set your flag in the engine's execution options, so you must retrieve it from there. The engine can be accessed through the session's bind
(Pdb) execute_state.session.bind.get_execution_options()
immutabledict({'include_deleted': True})
Your code does not error because execute_state
has an execution_options
attribute, but it contains other things:
(Pdb) execute_state.execution_options
immutabledict({'_sa_orm_load_options': <class 'sqlalchemy.orm.context.QueryContext.default_load_options'>, '_result_disable_adapt_to_context': True, 'future_result': True})
Session objects (and sessionsmakers) have an info attribute, a dictionary that you can populate as you wish. This could used to pass the flag if you wanted to set the flag per session rather than per engine.