
Flutter canvas not rendering as expected

I am trying to render a grid with flutter canvas with Canvas.drawLine method.

Some lines are rendered semi-transparent and some are not even being rendered on the canvas.

enter image description here

class Background extends PositionComponent with HasGameRef<RokokoGame>{

  Offset start = Offset.zero;
  Offset end = Offset.zero;

  // will be different across devices
  late final double canvasX;
  late final double canvasY;

  final int cellSize = GameConfig.cellSize;

  Background(this.canvasX, this.canvasY);

  Future<void>? onLoad() {
    start = Offset(0, 0);
    end = Offset(this.canvasX, this.canvasY);

  void render(Canvas canvas) {
    canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromPoints(Offset.zero, end), Styles.white);

  void _drawVerticalLines(Canvas c) {
    for (double x = start.dx; x <= end.dx; x += cellSize) {
      c.drawLine(Offset(x, start.dy), Offset(x, end.dy), Styles.red);

  void _drawHorizontalLines(Canvas c) {
    for (double y = start.dy; y <= end.dy; y += cellSize) {
      c.drawLine(Offset(start.dx, y), Offset(end.dx, y), Styles.blue);


  • So, i was able to solve the issue by applying some stroke width in my Styles class.

    class Styles {
      static Paint white = BasicPalette.white.paint();
      static Paint blue = BasicPalette.blue.paint()..strokeWidth = 3;
      static Paint red = BasicPalette.red.paint()..strokeWidth = 3;