I am trying to find a way to retrieve data from sharedPrefrence StringList..
I have these TextEditingControllers in my Controller:
late TextEditingController displayname;
late TextEditingController jobtitle;
late TextEditingController about;
late TextEditingController email;
late TextEditingController address;
late List<String> info;
MyServices myServices = Get.find();
before user move to the next page, i saved the content of each on controller on sharedPreference StringList:
myServices.sharedPreferences.setStringList("profileinfo", [
Here the error occur, when i try initialy to retrive the saved data (if user back again to this page)
void onInit() {
imagePath = "";
if (myServices.sharedPreferences.getStringList("profileinfo") == null) {
info = [];
displayname = TextEditingController();
jobtitle = TextEditingController();
about = TextEditingController();
email = TextEditingController();
address = TextEditingController();
} else {
info = (myServices.sharedPreferences.getStringList("profileinfo"))!;
displayname = TextEditingController(info[0]); // Here is the error
jobtitle = TextEditingController();
about = TextEditingController();
email = TextEditingController();
address = TextEditingController();
The error says "Too many positional arguments: 0 expected, but 1 found. Try removing the extra positional arguments, or specifying the name for named arguments."
I tried a lot of methods including using (.?) or (!) .. but none of them works.
You are filling TextEditingController
in a wrong way, you forgot to specify text
, try this:
displayname = TextEditingController(text: info[0]);