
Can someone explain the difference between onsubmit and action?

I'm having trouble understanding what the form action is used for. It seems like I can handle form data with a Javascript function by setting the onsubmit value to that function. I'm seeing a lot of different examples online that are confusing me even more.

Can someone walk me through what this will do and maybe give me an example of what the form action could do that "onsubmit" can't or shouldn't?

<form onsubmit="someFunction()" action="???"> ... </form>

A user will enter information into the form, then they hit a button to "submit" that information. someFunction() will do stuff with that information... then, the form action is responsible for what? I've seen some examples that look like it just specifies a URL to a page telling the user something like "Thanks for submitting".

I'm sorry if this is confusing. I'm not sure how to ask what I'm confused about. I'm looking for a really simple answer that you might give to a child about what that line of code means for the user and also for the information that was entered into the form.


  • The difference here is subtle but important:

    The action attribute is less customizable because it won't run any of your custom JavaScript, all it will do is send the data to your backend. On the other hand, onsubmit runs your custom JavaScript, which can do whatever you want (including sending data to your backend). If all you need to do is run some client-side JavaScript when the form submits, use onsubmit. If all you need to do send data to the server when a form submits, use action.

    Generally, you don't want to use both at the same time because if action sends data to your backend, then your page will reload. In fact, even if you don't specify an action attribute, then the page will still reload because it is the default behavior. When using the onsubmit attribute to run JavaScript when a form is submitted, you'll need to override this default behavior with event.preventDefault(), hence why most onsubmit handlers look like this:

    function onsubmitHandler(event) {
        // ... rest of the code ...