I am currently trying to create an application that includes a Periodic table. I want to to display this as a GridLayout where each Element is represented as a GroupBox inside the Layout. The problem I am facing is that the GridLayout wont scale properly with the window that it is positioned in. It opens up as follows:
I can also scale up the window like this:
GridLayout after upsizing the window
or donwscale it like the following:
GridLayout after downsizing the window
As you can see, the GridLayout doesnt seem to scale with the window size. Instead it seems to have a fixed size (Some elements are cut off from the beginning, if I scale down the window the elements are also being cut off)
Here is my code:
Item {
id: root
Button {
id: button
checkable: true
text: qsTr("Show")
onClicked: window.show()
Window {
id: window
Material.accent: parent.Material.accent
Material.background: parent.Material.background
Material.foreground: parent.Material.foreground
Material.primary: parent.Material.primary
Material.theme: parent.Material.theme
color: Material.background
height: parent.height
title: qsTr("Periodic table")
width: parent.width
GridLayout {
id: grid
columns: 18
PeriodicTableElement {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
atomicWeight: qsTr("1.00794")
electronConfiguration: qsTr("1s")
elementName: qsTr("Hydrogen")
elementSign: qsTr("H")
ionizationEnergy: qsTr("13 5984")
ordinalNumber: qsTr("1")
unknownNumber: qsTr("S1/2")
Repeater {
model: 16
GroupBox {
background: Item {
Repeater {
model: 3
PeriodicTableElement {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
atomicWeight: qsTr("1.00794")
electronConfiguration: qsTr("1s")
elementName: qsTr("Hydrogen")
elementSign: qsTr("H")
ionizationEnergy: qsTr("13 5984")
ordinalNumber: qsTr("1")
unknownNumber: qsTr("S1/2")
Repeater {
model: 10
GroupBox {
background: Item {
Repeater {
model: 6
PeriodicTableElement {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
atomicWeight: qsTr("1.00794")
electronConfiguration: qsTr("1s")
elementName: qsTr("Hydrogen")
elementSign: qsTr("H")
ionizationEnergy: qsTr("13 5984")
ordinalNumber: qsTr("1")
unknownNumber: qsTr("S1/2")
Repeater {
model: 100
PeriodicTableElement {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
atomicWeight: qsTr("1.00794")
electronConfiguration: qsTr("1s")
elementName: qsTr("Hydrogen")
elementSign: qsTr("H")
ionizationEnergy: qsTr("13 5984")
ordinalNumber: qsTr("1")
unknownNumber: qsTr("S1/2")
I already tried using anchors.fill: window for the GridLayout but it didnt seem to have any effect.
So do I make this GridLayout scale with the window item which is his parent?
Thanks in advance for any helpful comment.
Have you considered GridView
instead? This will have the following advantages:
and cellHeight
that helps us render the periodic tableHere's a mock implementation of the first two lines of the periodic table using this approach:
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
Page {
GridView {
id: grid
anchors.fill: parent
cellWidth: parent.width / 18
cellHeight: cellWidth * 2
model: ElementsModel { }
delegate: ElementDelegate { }
// ElementsModel.qml
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
ListModel {
id: elems
ListElement { at: 1; sy: "H"; na: "Hydrogen"; co: "#ccf" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 2; sy: "He"; na: "Helium"; co: "pink" }
ListElement { at: 3; sy: "Li"; na: "Lithum"; co: "#cff" }
ListElement { at: 4; sy: "Be"; na: "Beryllium"; co: "#fcc" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 0; sy: ""; na: ""; co: "" }
ListElement { at: 5; sy: "B"; na: "Boron"; co: "#ffe" }
ListElement { at: 6; sy: "C"; na: "Carbon"; co: "#ccf" }
ListElement { at: 7; sy: "N"; na: "Nitrogen"; co: "#ccf" }
ListElement { at: 8; sy: "O"; na: "Oxygen"; co: "#ccf" }
ListElement { at: 9; sy: "F"; na: "Flourine"; co: "#ccf" }
ListElement { at: 10; sy: "Ne"; na: "Neon"; co: "pink" }
// ElementDelegate.qml
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
Rectangle {
property int cellWidth: GridView.view.cellWidth
property int cellHeight: GridView.view.cellHeight
width: cellWidth
height: cellHeight
color: co ? co : "#eee"
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: sy
font.pixelSize: cellHeight / 4
Text {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: na
font.pixelSize: tm.scaledPixelSize
Text {
text: at
visible: at
font.pixelSize: cellWidth / 5
TextMetrics {
id: tm
text: na
font.pixelSize: 10
property real scaledPixelSize: cellWidth / tm.width * font.pixelSize * 0.9
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