
How do justify tab pane in sveltestrap

So I have tabs with three element

  import { TabContent, TabPane } from 'sveltestrap';

  <TabPane tabId="alpha" tab="Alpha" active>
  <TabPane tabId="bravo" tab="Bravo">
  <TabPane tabId="charlie" tab="Charlie">

The problem is it defaults the tab alignment to left, how do I set it to justify, I tried adding nav-justified class in TabPane but it doesn't work

<TabPane class="nav-justified" tabId="alpha" tab="Proses" active>

Last resort would be to have native html tag with bootstrap class to do it, but I was wondering if it was possible with sveltestrap


  • Adding classes to component does nothing if it has not been implemented in the component.

    But you can style it yourself. Just add a style block and for instance, do this for centering tab elements :

        :global(.tab-content > ul) {