Need a measure that will provide the same output as TopN visual level filter (than I can parameterize it).
The solution for simple cases provided HERE
But it doesn't work for more complicated cases...
Don't work if you add any dimension that has Many to One Product Name
relationship (Order Number
for example).
Desired output: both tables (top and bottom) should be equal:
Example from screen available here HERE
NB! From usability perspective it's preferable to return Sales Rank in measure.
A bit reworked solution from David Bacci:
1. If you need just TopN Sales:
TopnSalesAmount =
VAR param = [TopN Value]
VAR topNTable =
TOPN ( param, 'Product', [Sales Amount], ASC ),
ALLSELECTED ( 'Product'[Product Name] ),
FILTER ( ALLSELECTED ( Sales ), [Sales Amount] <> BLANK () )
IF (
NOT ( ISEMPTY ( Sales ) ),
IF (
SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Product'[Product Name] )
IN SELECTCOLUMNS ( topNTable, "a", 'Product'[Product Name] ),
[Sales Amount]
2. If you need Rank for TopN Sales:
rnkTopnSalesAmount =
IF (
//ISINSCOPE ( 'Product Names'[Product Name]), -- depends, which one is used in visual
ISINSCOPE ( 'Product'[Product Name] )
&& NOT ( ISEMPTY ( Sales ) ),
VAR ProductsToRank = [TopN Value]
VAR topNTable =
ADDCOLUMNS ( VALUES ( 'Product'[Product Name] ), "@Amt", [Sales Amount] ),
[Sales Amount], ASC
FILTER ( ALLSELECTED ( Sales ), [Sales Amount] <> BLANK () )
IF (
SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Product'[Product Name] )
IN SELECTCOLUMNS ( topNTable, "a", 'Product'[Product Name] ),
RANKX ( topNTable, [@Amt], [Sales Amount], ASC )