I am really confused why the Scorer.score is returning ents_p, ents_r, and ents_f as None for the below example. I am seeing something every similar with my own custom model and want to understand why it is returning None?
Example Scorer Code - Returning None for ents_p, ents_r, ents_f
import spacy
from spacy.scorer import Scorer
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy.training.example import Example
examples = [
('Who is Talha Tayyab?',
{(7, 19, 'PERSON')}),
('I like London and Berlin.',
{(7, 13, 'LOC'), (18, 24, 'LOC')}),
('Agra is famous for Tajmahal, The CEO of Facebook will visit India shortly to meet Murari Mahaseth and to visit Tajmahal.',
{(0, 4, 'LOC'), (40, 48, 'ORG'), (60, 65, 'GPE'), (82, 97, 'PERSON'), (111, 119, 'GPE')})
def my_evaluate(ner_model, examples):
scorer = Scorer()
example = []
for input_, annotations in examples:
pred = ner_model(input_)
temp = Example.from_dict(pred, dict.fromkeys(annotations))
scores = scorer.score(example)
return scores
ner_model = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') # for spaCy's pretrained use 'en_core_web_sm'
results = my_evaluate(ner_model, examples)
Scorer Results
{'token_acc': 1.0, 'token_p': 1.0, 'token_r': 1.0, 'token_f': 1.0, 'sents_p': None, 'sents_r': None, 'sents_f': None, 'tag_acc': None, 'pos_acc': None, 'morph_acc': None, 'morph_micro_p': None, 'morph_micro_r': None, 'morph_micro_f': None, 'morph_per_feat': None, 'dep_uas': None, 'dep_las': None, 'dep_las_per_type': None, 'ents_p': None, 'ents_r': None, 'ents_f': None, 'ents_per_type': None, 'cats_score': 0.0, 'cats_score_desc': 'macro F', 'cats_micro_p': 0.0, 'cats_micro_r': 0.0, 'cats_micro_f': 0.0, 'cats_macro_p': 0.0, 'cats_macro_r': 0.0, 'cats_macro_f': 0.0, 'cats_macro_auc': 0.0, 'cats_f_per_type': {}, 'cats_auc_per_type': {}}
It is clearly picking out entities from the text
doc = ner_model('Agra is famous for Tajmahal, The CEO of Facebook will visit India shortly to meet Murari Mahaseth and to visit Tajmahal.')
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent.text, ent.label_)
Tajmahal ORG
Facebook ORG
India GPE
Murari Mahaseth PERSON
Tajmahal ORG
This line is the issue, the annotations are not added to the reference docs because they're not in the right format:
Example.from_dict(pred, dict.fromkeys(annotations))
The expected format is:
Example.from_dict(pred, {"entities": [(start, end, label), (start, end, label), ...]})
You can also use the built-in Language.evaluate
if you create examples where Example.predicted
is unannotated, which also creates the scorer based on your pipeline so you don't end up a lot of irrelevant None
Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), {"entities": [(start, end, label), (start, end, label), ...]})
Once you have these kinds of examples, run:
scores = ner_model.evaluate(examples)